- WEEK4 : NLP in Tensorflow (Language Model, regularizer) 2021.01.11
- WEEK3 : NLP in Tensorflow (LSTM, Text CNN) 2021.01.11
- [TF] return_sequences vs return_states 2021.01.11
- WEEK2 : NLP in Tensorflow (Embedding) 2021.01.11
- WEEK1 : NLP in Tensorflow (Tokenizer, OOV token, pad_sequences) 2021.01.11
- WEEK4 : CNN in TensorFlow (multi-class classification) 2021.01.10
- WEEK3 : CNN in TensorFlow (transfer learning, dropout) 2021.01.10
- WEEK2 : CNN in TensorFlow (data augmentation) 2021.01.10
- WEEK1 : CNN in TensorFlow (Cats and Dogs) 2021.01.10
- WEEK4 : Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence (ImageDataGenerator) 2021.01.10
- WEEK3 : Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence (CNN, Conv2D, MaxPool2D) 2021.01.07
- WEEK2 : Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence (fashion_mnist, callback) 2021.01.04
- WEEK1 : Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence 2021.01.04