

Design Circular Deque - LeetCode

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Design your implementation of the circular double-ended queue (deque).

Your implementation should support following operations:

  • MyCircularDeque(k): Constructor, set the size of the deque to be k.
  • insertFront(): Adds an item at the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
  • insertLast(): Adds an item at the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
  • deleteFront(): Deletes an item from the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
  • deleteLast(): Deletes an item from the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
  • getFront(): Gets the front item from the Deque. If the deque is empty, return -1.
  • getRear(): Gets the last item from Deque. If the deque is empty, return -1.
  • isEmpty(): Checks whether Deque is empty or not. 
  • isFull(): Checks whether Deque is full or not.


MyCircularDeque circularDeque = new MycircularDeque(3); // set the size to be 3
circularDeque.insertLast(1);			// return true
circularDeque.insertLast(2);			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(3);			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(4);			// return false, the queue is full
circularDeque.getRear();  			// return 2
circularDeque.isFull();				// return true
circularDeque.deleteLast();			// return true
circularDeque.insertFront(4);			// return true
circularDeque.getFront();			// return 4




class Node:
    def __init__(self, value, right_node=None, left_node=None):
        self.value = value
        self.left = right_node  # doubly linked list
        self.right = left_node  # doubly linked list

doubly linked list를 이용하여 deque 구현하기
class MyCircularDeque:
    def __init__(self, k: int):
        Initialize your data structure here. Set the size of the deque to be k.
        self.head, self.tail = Node(None), Node(None)   # dummy node
        self.max_size = k                               #  deque의 max length 지정
        self.cur_size = 0                               # 현재 deque 속 원소의 개수
        self.head.right = self.tail                     # head -> tail 연결 (doubly linked list)
        self.tail.left  = self.head                     # head <- tail 연결 (doubly linked list)

    def insertFront(self, value: int) -> bool:
        Adds an item at the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
        if not self.isFull():
            new_node = Node(value)  # 삽입할 노드 생성
            head_next = self.head.right  # head 다음의 노드를 따로 저장 (본래 head <-> head_next)
            self.head.right, head_next.left = new_node, new_node  # head->new_node & new_node <- head_next
            new_node.left, new_node.right = self.head, head_next  # head<-new_node & new_node -> head_next
            self.cur_size += 1
            return True
        return False

    def insertLast(self, value: int) -> bool:
        Adds an item at the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
        if not self.isFull():
            new_node = Node(value)  # 삽입할 노드 생성
            tail_before = self.tail.left  # tail 다음의 노드를 따로 저장 (본래 tail_before <-> tail)
            self.tail.left, tail_before.right = new_node, new_node  # tail_before -> new_node & new_node <- tail
            new_node.left, new_node.right = tail_before, self.tail  # tail_before <- new_node & new_node -> tail
            self.cur_size += 1
            return True
        return False

    def deleteFront(self) -> bool:
        Deletes an item from the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
        if not self.isEmpty():
            head_right = self.head.right.right  # head <-> head.right <-> head.right.right
            head_right.left, self.head.right = self.head, head_right # head <-> head.right.right
            self.cur_size -= 1
            return True
        return False

    def deleteLast(self) -> bool:
        Deletes an item from the rear of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
        if not self.isEmpty():
            tail_before = self.tail.left.left  # tail.left.left <-> tail.left <-> tail
            tail_before.right, self.tail.left = self.tail, tail_before  # tail.left.left <-> tail
            self.cur_size -= 1
            return True
        return False

    def getFront(self) -> int:
        Get the front item from the deque.
        if self.isEmpty():
            return -1
        return self.head.right.value  # head <-> head.right

    def getRear(self) -> int:
        Get the last item from the deque.
        if self.isEmpty():
            return -1
        return self.tail.left.value  # tail.left <-> tail

    def isEmpty(self) -> bool:
        Checks whether the circular deque is empty or not.
        return self.cur_size == 0

    def isFull(self) -> bool:
        Checks whether the circular deque is full or not.
        return self.cur_size == self.max_size


python collections.deque 역시 linked list로 구현되었고, 책에서도 deque는 doubly linked list로 구현하는 것이 좋다고 하여

doubly linked list를 이용하여 deque를 구현하였다.



head와 tail은 구현의 용이성을 위하여 dummy node로 두었다.




insertFront 함수만 설명하면,

본래 이렇게 연결되어 있던 doubly linked list에


다음과 같이 새 노드 생성하고, 연결해주기만 하면 된다.


    def insertFront(self, value: int) -> bool:
        Adds an item at the front of Deque. Return true if the operation is successful.
        if not self.isFull():
            new_node = Node(value)  # 삽입할 노드 생성
            head_next = self.head.right  # head 다음의 노드를 따로 저장 (본래 head <-> head_next)
            self.head.right, head_next.left = new_node, new_node  # head->new_node & new_node <- head_next
            new_node.left, new_node.right = self.head, head_next  # head<-new_node & new_node -> head_next
            self.cur_size += 1
            return True
        return False



self.head.right, head_next.left = new_node, new_node  # head->new_node & new_node <- head_next

이 코드는 빨간색 연결을 의미하고,


new_node.left, new_node.right = self.head, head_next  # head<-new_node & new_node -> head_next

이 코드는 파란색 연결을 의미한다.

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